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Lizard Removal Services Chattanooga

Professional Lizard Removal and Prevention Services

Identify and remove lizard from home

Lizard Identification

Their are eight different species of lizards that can be found in Tennessee, with the most common being the Common Five-Lined Skink. These shiny lizards have highly variable color patterns. The adult males are a brown or olive color with the head turning to a reddish or orange color during breeding season. The adult females are brown with a more blue-gray tail. Both of which have 5 white or yellow looking stripes extending the length of its body. Mostly found in wooded areas, their diet consits of insects such as crickets, termites, and beetles. 

Lizard removal

Problems and Damage Caused by Lizards

Lizards occasionally venture into homes or buildings in search of food and water, although their natural habitat is outdoors. Lizards typically do not harm home structures; their categorization as pests mainly stems from their unsettling appearance. Infestations might happen in areas with favorable conditions like abundant flies or fruit/flowering plants. Lizards also find shelter in areas covered with leaves. If dealing with a lizard infestation, professional lizard removal services can effectively address the issue.

Prevention and Exclusions of Lizard

Prevention and Exclusions

To prevent lizards from invading your home, The Animal Guys offer expert services that include identifying and sealing potential entry points using heavy-duty materials. These materials are designed to effectively prevent unwanted animals, and with our specialized lizard removal methods, we ensure they won't regain access to your home.

Lizard Removal

Lizard Removal

If you've discovered a lizard infestation in your home or property, The Animal Guys are here to provide professional lizard removal assistance. Our team of Wildlife Removal Specialists is well-versed in lizard identification and behavior. This expertise allows us to promptly and humanely trap and remove the unwanted lizards from your premises.